We cater to engineering design requirements through networked ecosystem of technical experts we coordinate the acquisition and distribution of the most relevant subject matter expertise based on client requirements of the type of work, project design standards and specifications, technical complexity, volume, time-scales, and regional proximity.
Think Engineering DesignTM strategy is based on challenging the conventional customer and company behaviour in seeking design services by demonstrating value through the contemporary business model and creating self-employment opportunities for our partners. Our multi-sided platform enables direct interactions between two or more distinct stakeholders and as we facilitate quality service to our customers, we create more leads for our partners.
We provide a common project design management processes framework, which our partners utilise to deliver integrated design delivery. We equip our design with a set of stable best practices that support variety and evolution in design delivery assignments, but preserve the linkages among the other components of delivery.

We are made up of a variety of experts from a range of backgrounds and distinct demographic age groups, who have developed their careers progressing through the ranks and taking their knowledge into different areas of the business. Working with established construction and design organizations has given many of our SME consultants the opportunity to work on the most iconic and challenging global projects, on which their experience and expertise has helped to find creative solutions.
Our subject matter experts (SME) give us various perspectives with their experience, confidence, drive and commitment to always go the extra mile. Unified as a team, we strive to build more efficient, more sustainable, and most importantly, more economical design solutions.
We aim to reduce the conventional transaction costs by streamlining the design service value-chain. We look for ways to improve efficiency through technology and ensure partner commitment to and compliance with all elements of the design contract with our customers. We endeavour to look at how things are working, whether the goals are met and the impact on the cost and quality. Integrated review mechanisms not only support learning and decision-making for the platform, but also provide reassurance for regional and global stakeholders seeking evidence of value and impact.

In order to support good governance, we espouse and embody clear values, around which our subject matter experts mobilise. We believe that integrity enhances all of our other values and acts as a critical enabler in building a demonstrably collaborative culture on the platform. Being truthful, accountable and loyal towards the work we deliver, coupled with our lean delivery model helps us achieve brand differentiation and generating segregation among the competition.
We strive to provide a standardized quality to every design service seeker. We make sure that our subject matter experts provide you with a consistent and reliable design through the quality systems embedded in our platform infrastructure. We offer third party design vetting as an add-on service to maintain quality surety.

We believe that for our delivery model to be successful, the design experts – our SME’s, as well as the enabler – the platform, should meet with the clients’ expectations for quality and price while remaining individually profitable.
Our model endeavours to reduce costs by giving small businesses access to project delivery resources that would be expensive to develop on their own, with a purpose of overall cost reduction to our customers. We also help small businesses operate more efficiently by allowing them to focus on the things they do best. Thus we believe our model built on cohabitation and collaboration will give our partnership model more sustenance in the rapidly changing markets, and a robust competitive advantage.